Wednesday, December 29, 2021

US $59 | JLR Mangoose Volvo VIDA Toyota TIS 3-in-1 Scanner

US $59 | JLR Mangoose Volvo VIDA Toyota TIS 3-in-1 Scanner:
JLR Mangoose Volvo VIDA Toyota TIS 3-in-1 Scanner
JLR Mongoose Volvo VIDA Toyota TIS 3 in 1 Scanner
Supported vehicle List:
Jaguar from 2005-2016
Land Rover from 2005-2016
Toyota from 1996-2017
Volvo from 1996-2014
Software version:
JLR: V157
Volvo: 2014D
Toyota: V14.10.028
Features and Benefits:
1. Data Lists
2. Active Tests
3. Monitor
4. Utility tests
5. Reprogramming
6. Diagnostics Trouble Codes
7.DICE - Diagnostic Communication Equipment, is a tool that is used together with VIDA all-in-one to communicate with the vehicle.Communicati ...more details.
Now JLR Mangoose Volvo VIDA Toyota TIS 3-in-1 Scanner only sell US $ 59, if you are interesteed in JLR Mangoose Volvo VIDA Toyota TIS 3-in-1 Scanner, you can contact us by email

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