Wednesday, February 27, 2019

US $29.99 | V-CHECKER VCHECKER V701 Circuit Tester Pencil

US $29.99 | V-CHECKER VCHECKER V701 Circuit Tester Pencil:

V-CHECKER VCHECKER V701 Circuit Test Pencil


V-checker V701 circuit tester can check the cable assembly signal from 0~36V with accuracy 0.1V. When the signal voltage is over 36V, the LCD screen will show icon ">>". The tester's waveform range is from 0-12V. When the tester leaves the cable, the waveform will be enlarged and the LCD displays 0.4s actual waveform. Meanwhile, the voltage range is marked and user can define waveform of 10-50Hz. When the cable assembly voltage is over 0.1V, the LCD indicates voltage value and waveform. The blue LED would be shining When voltage is over 0.5V.

V701 also can be used to check continuity of cable assembly. It shows test results and g ...more details.

Now V-CHECKER VCHECKER V701 Circuit Tester Pencil only sell US $ 29.99, if you are interesteed in V-CHECKER VCHECKER V701 Circuit Tester Pencil, you can contact us by email

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